DTM = Direct To Metal.:head_butt:
I alaways use DPLF epoxy as a DTM primer, Than top the epoxy with k36-38.
Never tried it DTM...
Any one else??????????
Good question.
wow, big change to the board. Anyhow I did find my answer from ppg. The donot reccomind using either as a DTM primer. I will stick if you have a fiew light sand throughs but they say use epoxy first.
personally, I HATE K36 & K38! I used to use it, but had problems with it shrinking. Try HOK KP2CFA/B. It's best to spray it unreduced, but you'll need a 1.6 - 1.8 tip on your HVLP for that. It's also perfectly OK to spray the HOK-KP DTM.