Kameleon Flames



I want to redo my 23T and was thinking of House of Kolor Kameleon for the flames. Any one know or have done this. I know the Kameleon is a base coat, but @ that price I sure do not want to use it for basing the whole car. Any one with a step by step way to do this? Or should I go a different direction with colors?
Thanks for everyone's help in the past this is a great site.


If you're just going to use the Kameleon for the flames simply base the car. Then tape off the flames and spray a black base and the kameleon over that. Watch out for build up. If you don't want to buy a whole quart of HOK go to
coastairbrush.com and you can buy HOK Kameleons
at about $30/oz, which is nice if you only need 3oz. Sure beats spending $300+ and not needing the rest. You can also buy anything else from HOK
in smaller forms, 2,4,8,16oz.
Good luck,


I have seen the chameleon paints used for flames around here a lot. There is a 4x4 truck down the street that a guy based in chameleon then masked the flames and used the same paint to do the flames. A little too much for my taste but it is a cool effect. You can actually see a difference in color shift between the flames and base color.

Smokin' Joe

I flamed my son's '97 Camaro in Kameleon. It's a black car and I just layed out the first set of flames over the factory black, painted the flames Kameleon, then cleared over that with sg-100, then layed out another set inter-twined and painted the second set with another Kameleon color. Everyone loves the look. It's definitely different, and it's sold a few other jobs. The main thing with the Kameleon paint is...you need to put it over a dark base. I wasted a lot of expensive paint trying a few experiments.