kandy flames


New member
First I want to say what a great resource you have here!! I have been following your site for years & find it very helpful!! Thanks
I am helping my bro-inlaw paint his H-D.he wants kandy flames with no outline,he also is on a TIGHT budget.I painted the bike dark grey met & cleared it ,sanded it all down with 600 & am ready to lay out the flames.in the past I have used KK urethane kandy,will I get the same effect if I use base coat candy? I plan on laying out the flame & filling with silver & highlighting it with gold then lightly outlingin it with silver with red mixed in(pinkish?) then giving the whole set a few coats of basecoat candy. will it have the same effect as the urethane does? he wants bright red flames.(not too ghostly) I am thinking kbc11 apple red?
he is also open to other colors if anyone has suggestions? kind of partial to HOK but his buget is the determining factor.


Welcome (back) to the forum.

The KBC has some 'pearl' in it, so it's really not a true candy. If you want the true candy and to save a few $, then go with the KK.

I would suggest just going with the gray metallic you have, then just airbrushing some flames or painting them solid in the silver metallic. I don't think I would put the gold or the pinkish color in the scheme. Any color close to the silver, will pretty much disappear once you put the candy on it.

If you still plan on doing it, I would suggest doing some test panels first just to make sure you get the effect you would want.



New member
Kandy flames

Thanks Scott

I know the kk does not dry really fast,will I have a problem if I use omni clear w/fast reducer over the top of it? it does need clear for uv protection,correct? won't the kk be more expensive than bc considering I will have to buy hardner also?
Thanks again


New member
Ya all candy's need UV pretection, The sun will bleach out Candy very quick, even with top coat clears. Omni quick clear is good for quick get em outta here jobs, but I wouldn't use it on a friends bike, a guy you see all the time. If he's on a budget, I would suggest Transtar clear. Its cheaper and the shine is deep and lasts. Also try Matrix fx candy's or Matrix fx dyes. I have had very good luck with them and they are comparable to HOK.

Hope this helps


New member
Matrix Fx Dyes are really great! I have used them once..

Ya all candy's need UV pretection, The sun will bleach out Candy very quick, even with top coat clears. Omni quick clear is good for quick get em outta here jobs, but I wouldn't use it on a friends bike, a guy you see all the time. If he's on a budget, I would suggest Transtar clear. Its cheaper and the shine is deep and lasts. Also try Matrix fx candy's or Matrix fx dyes. I have had very good luck with them and they are comparable to HOK.

Hope this helps