Well, I got my basecoat layed down, and it looks great,(hok bc01 solar gold with some gold metal flake), I burried the flake with a couple coats of clear, then I masked my flame that I shot in the kbc candy apple red, and I mixed a little gold flake with that, and boy does that sucker sparkle in the sunlight, you've got to see this.Today I picked up some stencils of some pretty cool skulls, and I wanted to interpret them somehow in the paint job with some black (bc25 I believe) is this o.k. to do? Or should I go another route. I didn't want to go overboard with the sculls, I just wanted to do a couple on the gas tank or something, nothing crazy, and real big. Do I do these graphics right before my topcoat clear? Or when should I airbrush them in. Thanx for the help fellas I appreciate all your patience. Like I said in previous posts, I cant figure out how to post my pics, so its hard for u to see what I'm talking about, but you'll have to do your best, remember I'm working with a 2005 softail nighttrain /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/peace.gif