Lessons Learned


New member
First off- Thanks Brian for turning me on to Innate. I got the good yellow fine line tape and tank blanks.

Now then, I am only showing the attached image to illustrate what I learned by doing this peice in an effort help those with my level of experience or less. It is not final with drop shadows, highlights or clearcoat. As amatter of fact I may strip it and do it over again.

1. Once I put the graphic together in Illustrator I took the file to a sign shop that I use to cut a stencil on the plotter. Initially I was very happy with this process untill it was time to remove the stencil. The adhesive stuck to the tank. I thought,"no problem" until I went to remove it. Wax and grease remover helped but is was very difficult. It actually even removed some of the paint that I laid down so I had to re-mask with fine line and shoot some parts over. That was very discouraging.

2.When making beveled edges and such, less is more as you have to keep in mind what tonal value is under your masked areas. I also need to take a smoother aproach to my bevel edging.

3. I love the stencils ability to create the precise HD logo. I will be buying a plotter to do my own. I believe the proper vinyl to use is called Oracle.

Thanks again for everyone's help on this forum for getting me to at least this point.

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Great job!! Like the shadowing on both the orange and the 'beveled' edges!


New member
Thanks Taz- That is actually what I thought was my weakest point.
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New member
I think you did a fine job on that..
Personally don't like relying on a pre cut stencil to do my graphic work,becoming proficient with fine line is the way to go..Yes it will take more time but if you get super good at it the overall result is much nicer.
hell you may know this but it never hurts to throw it out there..
I was taught from a gray beard and he kinda set my path for me..maybe I do thing abit old school but its how I like it..atleast I don't use lacquer...haha

Brian Dee

Super Moderator
Vettra, well you sure did a knok out job. From your post it's obvious that you understand colors and design elements. Nice job, your well on your way,aren't those tank blanks fun to play with, how did you like that masking tape. Pretty cool huh.
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New member
Brian- The tape was great and the tank blanks are awesome. I bought the 4 pack of tanks and he threw in a fifth one.

The issue I had was with the vinyl stencil. I will be getting a plotter. The sign company that cut it for me said that the software that runs the cutter is expensive. Is that the case? I thought you could just come right out of Illustrator or other program similar. I know you have a Roland. I was looking at US Cutter.

As a side- for those needing HD logo vectors along with any other major corporate logo- go to http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/search/105556529/


Brian Dee

Super Moderator
Hi Vettra, yes some of the vinyl cut programs can be pretty darned expensive, but you don't need to spend a grand by a long shot. Yes I do have a Roland that comes with a program called cut studio. It a great little program,and have never wanted or needed anything different. It has a plug in there that will allow you to cut from Corel or illustrator, so you can also manipulate your designs right in these two programs. So you really don't need anything else.
I don"t really know too much about Us Cutters,but I do know that there are many people using them. I was a little disappointed with my Roland at first as it would not cut mylar stencils. If it did I had to crank up the pressure to the max which I didn't like to do. I have since discovered a company called clean cut. These cutter blades are just awesome. I can now cut mylar at less thean half the downforce I was using. These blades are much more sharper than the Roland,much sturdier to. Just a little heads up for ya when you get your new toy. The gentlemans name is Ross, at clean cut. Yeah Nate is a great guy. I have been dealing with him for a number of years,I distribute his products in canada for him. He knows his stuff to, and honest as the day is long. Carry on bud,and have fun. Here you go.
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