looking for a good clear!!

der devil

New member
Hi i need a good clear that is easey to work with as at the moment i use hok uc35/ufc35 good stuff but a lot of work to get flat. i do custom paint jobs on cars so will need something that suits that. thanks painters..


We've used HOK for about 6 years now and have great result. We only have used the UC35 though with the KU150.
You may just double check the mixing of it along with your gun settings. Possibly that's all it is.
Also, be sure and use the correct reducer according to the directions. I know we've been using RU311 down here in FL for about a month now.

Plus the price is better than other clears. I think we pay about $122 a gallon.

Maybe some other members have input on other clears/hardeners though.

der devil

New member
Hi taz.it is good stuff i use the ru311 too and the ku150.just find on the cars a lot of work. as all jobs i do are high custom it just takes forever to kolor sand i know thear is no way quick way to get the perfect custom finish but i need to up producton a bit.i use a 1.3 with a t2 air cap 75%over lap. do you think a 1.2 wud be better then.how much do you thin the uc35 by.do you use a lot of hok paint then??


Actually, I would suggest going with a 1.4 or a 1.5, probably more on the lines of a 1.5 than anything. This will give you more material which should lay on nicer for you.

If I remember right mixture of the UC35 is 4-2-2.
I haven't sprayed in about 4 years since I hired another painter that's been with me 7 1/2 years

We normally go through about 3-4 gallons of clear a week and about 75% of our work involved spraying HOK candies.

der devil

New member
wow that big 1.4 how abuot the clwaer running cos thats the problem i get wen i put down a nice flat coat.sounds like you guys get a lot of work done. you gotta love the hok kandys love the brandywine my best seller with the mbc01 as base bling in a good way.have you got pics of your work on hear i can see. thanks for your help will order in a 1.4 wot air cap?


Actually, back in the 80's I used to use a 1.8 cap for the enamels (Supermax, Limco, Nason....) on my Binks 7


New member
SPI (Southern Polyurethanes, Inc.) makes a couple of very nice clear coats that lay down like water, their Universal clear is closer to a high solids than the price would suggest and while I haven't used any of it their Euro Clear gets rave reviews from those who have. Also, they have an non-catilized intercoat clear that knocks the socks off of SG100 if you're into doing artwork or multiple candy colors in an unmasked scheme.


New member
Plus other better. I think we pay about $122 a gallon.
Maybe some other members of other input clear/agent though. Thanks for your help will be ordered in that hat. Air 1.4


New member

For us we are using korean clear. When you use this one you don't need to wax the car to make it shine, it will shine automatic with the kind of clear.