Looking for Motorcycle Paint Booth


Staff member
When I first started in 2002, I also was looking for a 'motorcycle' booth. I found a local company that made a booth for me.
It's basically an automotive booth that is shortened one less panel on each side 3'.
So instead of 26' long, it's 23' long.
I would strongly suggest just going with a full sized booth. If I had to do it over again, I would have just left it at 26'.
It's not much more at all
The reason on doing this is you will be asked to also do cars and trucks as well. Even from customers you are doing motorcycles for.
That is money in the bag. You'll regret it down the road if you don't do this.
It's a LOT to put up a booth (assuming you are installer to code).

If you don't have the space, then of course all the above is irrelevant