Lowrider paint job


New member
Hello im somewhat new to the custom world of paint (about 6 months or so) and this forum of course lol most of the things i've done are refinish or completes(2yrs going strong) and messing with flame layouts and basic graphics and such...so my questions is this how would i go about finding info on lowrider type of paint jobs??? ive searched but haven't had any luck the only thing i go off of is pictures but cant seem to get the right technique down to getting the style...whether its by taping the design out VS. using sticky masking paper or a lil bit of both...layout the whole design first or section by section...clearing everything at the end or clearing certain layers before going to the next pretty much anything that can paint me in the right direction for help haha :think1:
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Anyway you can post a pic of the paint job you are trying to duplicate.
We'll see if we can help you out!

Welcome to the forum!


New member
I would suggest upgrading your account and tap into the "How To" section. I am somewhat of a new painter myself and found this section a very valuable resource.



New member
oh thats right a picture would be helpful :sillyme: thought i posted one up haha
heres a picture of what im trying to get at..not so much the pinstripe artwork but more of the layout of the design


Most of the time those are just laid using a thinner tape like 1/8" fineline tape. Then each stripe is masked off. Sometimes you can make it simple by masking up ONE big stripe, then do a smaller stripe within that big stripe...mask this one up, then do another one within the big one.
This way you don't have to mask up stripe, rip of the paper, do another one, rip off the paper....

Hope that makes sense.

It's a good idea to do a rough sketch on paper what you plan on doing


New member
im pretty much just trying to get basic info and get my brain jogging for ideas and such to practice on a panel until i get a good one to use as display haha
since right now im not getting too many cars to work on so i might as well practice my custom skills
heres a pic of my first flame panel i did awhile back (my pinstripe isnt the best but im trying)


Great job on the flame job...especially for your first one!!!!

You'll find the lowrider type paint jobs are even easier to do once you do a sketch and start doing the actual layout. Just lot's of panel within panels.

Brian Dee

Super Moderator
looks pretty good. Nothing wrong with your striping. That's what's called slash striping. Just a different style thats all.


New member
yea i tried doing a normal outline with pinstripe but didn't look so good so i just slashed it i figured i wouldn't be able to mess that up haha
but either way some of my lines were darker than others...i dunno if you can see but the center flame has a darker/ heavier outline on the left than the right one i think the paint was more reduced on sum lines that others sure but either way it wont hurt me to practice it more