marble flames - please help



A buddy wants me to do some marble flames on his bike this weekend. I have done a few flame jobs and they have turned out pretty good. I'm not sure exactly how to go about achieving a marble look. Can anybody out there help me? thanks


First you need to pick up some HOK Marbilizer and then some SG-100 Intercoat Clear -- It's a very easy effect to achieve - Shoot a dark/black base - then shoot the marbilizer and wait 1-3 mins. - apply saran wrap wait another min and pull - let dry for about 30mins and apply SG-100 and the final clear -- Check out House of Kolors website for the tech sheets and other valuable info -- good luck!!! Bones!~


can you get by without using the HOK stuff? What did people used to do before they they made the marblizer?... He wants me to do a teal marble flame over a black base. This is also a freebie. If it were mine I would buy the marblizer and try it.


First off - there's no such thing as a freebie!!
Second - Unless you're trading services you should at least get him/her to pay for the materials - I work deals with the A/C Guy and Auto Mechanics, but we each charge for materials.

If you want to use something other than HOK - Try PPG's 895 base coat clear and add blue, green and a touch of silver pearl to it - over reduce and do the same steps as above -- honestly though - you'll probably spend the same amount on the materials -- Bones!~


Bones....thanks for the info. I don't do this stuff for a living so I couldn't see myself charging anybody anything. If I was an expert painter then perhaps... He will be supplying the materials though. I am definitely not coming off the hip...I just like messing around with it. I will try to get a few pics posted when I get it done.....Mike


I was just wondering if you were able to do the marbalizer yet? I have used the marbalizer three times, and I've found that it's very easy. The one thing I did learn is that if you spray the marbalizer before the paint under dries all the way it changes the color of the marbalizer. This can be a good thing if you want it to blend with the the undercoat. Good luck