marbleizing paint


New member
Hey, I am interested in trying to do a marble paint job on my bike but dont have a spray gun or anything. Does anyone know if i can get the house of color marbleizer in a rattle can from anywhere? Or get whatever i need in rattlecans?


Just take a piece of cling wrap, spray a coat of paint on one side, then appy it on the surface.
Practice this, and you can get some neat effects.


New member
ok so i can just use any paint from a rattle can to do this? and do they make a clear coat from a rattlecan that i can use to fill in the gaps of the marbleized effect?


I've never done it with spray can, so you'll have to do some test panels using it. I assume any spray can clear would do the job, but spray can clear is quite a bit thinner than if you used regular clear through the gun.


New member
I would think spray can paint would dry to fast. By the time you spray paint then pick up the cling wrap the paint would be almost dry. You could try wading up the cling wrap into a ball and spraying the paint on the cling wrap and bloting it onto your part. Work fast and keep the cling wrap wet.


New member
yea I tried doing that and it turned out pretty good. Its good enough for a stuntbike that I'm gonna be crashing when springtime comes around again.