Hi guys, I come here often to read, but don't say much... I don't know much, so leave most saying to those that do....
I did use the film though and it was ok sorta... I did what I needed to do with it... but I think Automask looks better....
My paint seeped under the stars (blue got under the masked stars) So I learned to shoot clear on the films after that when I was ready for doing red, and the clear sealed the masking.
That left pretty tall red though, but 6 coats of clear fixed that as the top coat.
I learned about buffing out after that and one big weasle hair..remember the cats? The wease is a gray purrrrrsian. Well he is just to curious about things and he managed to become one with the paint... One of the last clears... but what the hay.... I am thinking of super gluing him to the head lamp anyway... What better stuffed toy, as he is really anitmated....
That helmet looks very much like my colors, but I don't know what HOK means. And a great job. I can see fluresent lights in the reflections, and no cat hairs!
The weather is horrid.... need I say more...
I got busted on my bike by the Coast Guard for not wearing a life jacket!....
And the weather high lite of the year for me happened 3 Friday's back when I was working in a closed boat shop and was struck by lightning! That sucks to put it mildly!
As I write hail begins.... got git off line ..bye bye...Mac