master stencils questions



Has anyone ever used master stencils from the Air BruSh Depot. and if you have did the work out good?
would you use these just to give a basic lay out line of what you want to lay down?
Please let me know what your thoughts are
Air Brush Depot


Stencils and masks are used to give you a begining layout - you still have to freehand all the details - I have numerous masks and skulls and some of my own home made ones - They're great for getting you started - I had a job this last weekend in which my client wanted a skull and cross bones on his rear fender - I pulled out my Skull stencil and put some transfer tape over the area I wanted to shoot - Loaded some black in my brush - shot a lite fade on the transfer tape with the stencil taped to where I wanted it - then cut out the whole thing and shot the base color then grabed the mask and started laying out the eye sockets... - the free handed the rest in only black -- Time = 1 hour - whith out the masks and stencils it would have take twice as long because I would have had to draw it all out by hand -- I love the things -- -Bones!~


New member
It would'nt hurt to get the "mastering skullmaster" videotape so you can see the full potential. After you got it down you can sell it on Ebay and get most of your money back.