Metalflakes sinking like stones



I'm not a pro painter (and i'm from the UK) so bear with me !
A friend wanted his classic Lambretta (honestly it's not mine) painting and have Rage extreme holographic metalflakes layed over it (pretty cool by the way) in a clear base coat.
But once in the gun (HVLP gravity) i had about a minute before they sunk and blocked the tip, it's not the first time i've sprayed metalflakes but no amount of swirling / shaking could keep them suspended, even tried the nut thing, thats what got it from 40 secs to a minute !
After 47 separate parts it's turned me old before my time.
this wouldn't be so bad but i did a decent job of it and am now being threatened with repeat buisiness !
Please help !


New member
Hi loopy

I've been thinking about using some of the rage stuff myself(used there primer and clear). I recently spoke to a guy that has used it quite a bit and he doesnt use the gravity HVLP prefering to use a standard gun or hvlp with the paint pot under the gun.

Dont know if this will help.

Where abouts in the UK are you based


When I sprayed metal flakes through my HVLP gun, I found that the amount of flakes had an effect on how it sprayed. The more flakes in the clear had a tendancy to clog more. Another thing I found helpful was to put my finger over the tip of the gun and press the trigger, to clear out the tip, then I would shake it a bit. That worked well as long as I kept on top of whether the tip was clogging.


New member
I have found that spraying a large flake or crystal you really need to use a syphon feed or better yet a pot feed fun that you can keep agitated to keep the flake mixed in the paint. Also if you use a reg syphon feed you can put some Clean steel balls in the cup and shake it as you spray to keep the flake stired up.
also the size os the flake will depend on the size of the tip you will need. the bigger the flake the bigger the hole needs to be


I shot a lot of metalflake back in the 70's using a Binks #7 siphon feed gun. I would put 5 or 6 1/4" ball bearings (I think) and shake the gun every so often to keep the flakes mixed up. I had good results with this method. Haven't shot any big flake in a while but I can see how the gravity feed would cause problems. Good luck! TC


Thanks folks (i'm from north wales gordy)
i didn't want to admit to blocking the nozzle and "backflushing"

i was only using size 8 hex flakes at 30 gramms per litre, but what a job, i've never had that much hassle and of course as the flakes settled in the cup i wasn't laying enough clear but couldn't stop mid pannel, luckily they settled pretty well.
unfortunatley i dont even posses a suction gun, never got on with them.
any ideas about thickening the paint ? since this isn't too usual any pointers before i attempt a test pannel ?
i've spent hours here reading, it's the first time i've seen other people who regard the rule book as a handy coaster, i thought i was alone in my crazy world

thanks for the interest


First thing too mention would be a Flake Buster gun you spray the dry flake over a wet coat so it has a sticky surface to lay down on positives it makes it neer impossible to have to much flake as it will only fall off. Second I have recently seen the Rage product & they have some sweet color shifting products that I have not seen in USA I sent them an email with no response & I sure would like to get some prices on some of there stuff & see if they could ship any ideas?


that gun sounds interesting, where can i see it ?
wierd rage havn't replied, usually very good.
UK price list is on the site, select a product, then under the options it gives a link to "full product price list"
a 5 page PDF doc
havn't a clue about shipping i'm afraid
(take a look at "spectraflair", pictures DON'T do it justice, and yes the colour change paints are mad, they really are shocking even in our weather !)


New member
Hi loopy

Are you using the Rage primer or some other make. I'd like to try another brand but I'm trying to get some feedback from other uk painters on whats best. Looking for low VOC primers and clear.


Hi Gordy
have used rage primers, but only when requested.
generally stick with ICI paints
as strangely my local dealer stocks ICI range but not PPG ?
havn't had any problems to speak of, as usual its all about getting used to the manufacturers paint, i have found quite a lot of it is to do with the bloke that mixes it, the only problems i've had is when someone other than Paul mixes !
i'm not really that experienced with too many manufacturers to give any real recomendations, but i havn't had any problems with ICI/Nexia



I've got a gun that would most likely work with the flake you're speaking of. It was made by Stewart Warner for NAPA. Siphon feed, large volume needle and nozzle/air cap assembly with an air driven agitator cup and an actual diaphram regulator with a guage. I dont recall the model number. I've sprayed straight unreduced alkyd enamel through this gun without any issues. This puppy would pump mud! The agitator is great to keep metallic in suspension and atomization isn't a problem even with the high volume capacity.