metallic paint causing bubbles


big stinkie

Big problem. Stripped my bike down to bare metal, primed with PPG white epoxy primer. Did some sanding, and had a few spots with spot putty where I filled some small holes, so I sprayed a coat of white PPG DBC basecoat to form a consistant white base on which to work. Next, squirted a couple coats of DBC bright red, and then put a couple coats of PPG Stratoclear 2082 clear coat. Fine so far.

Taped out my flames and sprayed them with PPG DBC gold metallic. Didn't like the way they looked, so like I've done many times before, I elected to simply wipe the flames off with reducer. Much to my chagrin, the clear coat and the basecoat underneath bubbled up where ever there had been gold metallic! It came up just as if I had used paint stripper. I mean, it really came loose! The reducer didn't do a thing to the surface where there hadn't been any flames. It came off ONLY where the gold paint was, so evidently it did something chemically to the clear and basecoat. I mixed all paints according to directions, followed all time restrictions for the various products, etc.

What in the world happened here? I thought that clearcoat wasn't effected by paint and reducers. I've wiped metallic off before and never had this happen. I'm beginning to not like metallic paint.

big stinkie

Didn't think about that at the time, but in this case the clear was about a week old. Still scratching my head over this one. Goofy things always happen to me.



New member
Big, sounds like you didnt let the clear cure long enough before shooting art work on top of it, thats why only thr art work area was ruined, cureing and dring are two diffrent things, paint usally takes a couple of days to cure, paint dries in a couple of hours usally.i usally wait a couple of days (2-3) before shooting any art work on top of fresh clear. hope this helps.


ive had a similar problem at work trying to fix up a new guys job that wasnt up to scratch .
what happened was his basecoat was uneven and he cleared over it and it was too ugly so when i went to re-do it the base coat color seemed to bight straight into the job.
even after he had baked it and it was the day after.i tried wiping it off the clear and it fried up like stripper .
So i asked him to show me how he had mixed the clear and he was 4/1 instead of 2/1 .
so after that we got the real paintstripper and started from bare steel
So the problem there was in fact accidentally wrongly catylised 2pot clear.