Need Help... Getting confused



This site is full of good info. but the more I read the more confused I get... which is really easy for me to do! I'm going to shoot HOK burple with white sparkel pearl flames with red outlines. I know this question has been asked a thousand times and will prob. be asked a thousand more... so you guys that know this please forgive my ignorance. But I read a post not to long ago saying that it would prob. be better to spray finishing clear over my base and kandy BEFORE I tape out for the flames or should I use interclear for that step. Because after I clear, it will allow me some room for a mistake (or two) if the flames were to need to be touched up.Which after all this leads me to the confusion part.If I were to tape for the flame and spray the red for the outline it will have to dry before I can tape it with the 1/8 tape for the outline.If I were to let it dry enough to tape will the window be closed to then spray the white sparkle pearl in the center of the flame, or should I interclear between each color .I got confused just writing this.Thanks Steve


STOP = You're confusing me!!! LOL!!!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Custom Painting / OR / We're the guys that push the limit of every availible painting product way beyond its original intenet!!!

If this is your first job, Take your time and at least clear after you base. I don't think it would be neccesary to inerclear after the pinstripes were shot on. Depending on the brand of paint, you should have at least 12 hours "open" time - and besides - the extra clear in between will give you a huge paint edge to cover up -- shoot your pinstripes at the end of the day and come back the next morning to mask and shoot the pearl center - if you are worried about adheasion when you shoot you final clear - shoot some inter coat first - It'll help bind the base/art and clear together --- Good Luck and don't get confused!! --- Bones!~


Bones thanks for the info,If I were to shoot the red for pinstripe late in the evening as you said would I need to scuff the center of the tape out for the flame because I won't shoot the red in the center ( or try not to as much as possible) but just around the edge of the tape out for the pinstripe.Because I would have scuffed the whole tank before I taped the flames would I not need to worrie about the pearl adhearing to the base or should I scuff the center before I spray the pearl.I've painted a couple of bikes in the past but never done any flames,maybe I'm thinking this to death... but I've screwed up things worse than a paint job... thats for sure. I'll keep you guys posted of my job I'm sure it will be something to talk about. Steve