This site is full of good info. but the more I read the more confused I get... which is really easy for me to do! I'm going to shoot HOK burple with white sparkel pearl flames with red outlines. I know this question has been asked a thousand times and will prob. be asked a thousand more... so you guys that know this please forgive my ignorance. But I read a post not to long ago saying that it would prob. be better to spray finishing clear over my base and kandy BEFORE I tape out for the flames or should I use interclear for that step. Because after I clear, it will allow me some room for a mistake (or two) if the flames were to need to be touched up.Which after all this leads me to the confusion part.If I were to tape for the flame and spray the red for the outline it will have to dry before I can tape it with the 1/8 tape for the outline.If I were to let it dry enough to tape will the window be closed to then spray the white sparkle pearl in the center of the flame, or should I interclear between each color .I got confused just writing this.Thanks Steve