I am building a custom from the ground up and its almost time to paint. My limited experiance is a Harley, HOK Kandy tangerine,pinstripe(taped off) and black truck with flames( thanks to this board) and minimal airbrushing. must say they both turned out pretty well(luckly) So now, I think that I'm good LOL. Want to attempt to paint this custom with a kandy or pearl base then put 4 different colors of graphic on it with contrasting shadows. I havn't picked any colors yet so I'm open to suggestions.My questions are these: 1. base coat and then clear, should I wet sand this 1st coat of clear with 600? 2 :Tape out my graphics then spray, do I need to put intercoat clear on EACH graphic then tape over this "fresh" graphic before moving on? I am sure that I am taking on a "very" large job for a newbee, but I have done all this by myself and would like to put a killer paint job on it myself as well. Any help before I tackle this would be appreciated. thanks, Squirt