Need Some Help/Advice



Been reading this board and website on and off for a while. I always say you get what you pay for. Well I had a friend paint my harley tank and fenders and I didnt pay much and I didnt get much. He did base coat and clear coats. Bottom line is a orange peel type clear coat and some imperfections in the clear coat.
Color is black. Can this be sanded out and then buffed using the techniques and stuff listed on the do it yourself part of this website? Thanks in advance........Jim


If the paint has "minor" orange peel and the guy put enough clear on it, you might be able to wetsand and buff it. It sounds like you'd get pretty lucky to get it smooth though.

If the peel is real bad, most likely you will need to 600 DA (maybe even a coarser paper) it smooth, then spray a few more coats of clear.

The orange peel has nothing to do with the type of clear it is, just the way it was applied, or possibly the way it was mixed.

Good Luck to you