
If any one can direct me to someone or something, where I can get step by step instructions on Flame painting, striping, preparation, ghosting, intertwining flames, etc . Would be greatly appriciated. I would really like to actually talk to someone if I could. Looking to paint my 03 Harley, and Ive never painted on metal before. THANKS !
My name is Jon, I also can be emailed at ***********
Is there any chat rooms to go to on these topics?



New member
You'll find all your answers searching the site but if there's any confusion post back.1/2 of your Q's will be answered by searching through the main site's how to section.


New member
OK,I have a little time now,and welcome.There is no chat I know of but ask away here,you'll just have to be a bit more specific on a topic and work through everything.I wouldn't strip it to steel,just remove stripes and 2tone lines,sand the crap out of it and prime it.Block out the the primer to level out all the featheredges from breaking through different coats and you're ready to start painting.Decide on a paint system you want to use and it will help out alot in getting specific answers and products to use.Hope I didn't scare you off last night but I was pressed for time and if you search through the site you can pick up alot of the info you need,then we can clear up any confusion.Oh,this is part of Scott's buisness site so no emails or reference to other places that do this work are allowed.This was started as an info site and has grown wildly,but we still have to respect Scott's kindness for leaving this going in return for a no competition agreement.We both and others earna living doing this stuff but we won't step on each other's throat.Alot of people seem to miss this clause in the signup agreement so don't freak,just letting you know the rules to using the board.Hope to hear from you soon.