New guy here with ???s about ghost flames


New member
Hey guys, just found the site and I like it a lot!

My question is this:

I am painting an 89 mustang for a friend, and I am going to lay out some ghost flames for him. The car is a maroon color, with no metallic. Tons of 87 and 88 mustangs were this boriing, simple color. What color ghost flames would look the best? As stated earlier, the car is maroon with a grey interior.

Can anyone tell me the best place to order the pearls, etc? I know HOK has tons of stuff, but any certain part numbers I need to adhere to?

The paint will be DuPont Chroma base BC/CC



New member
Welcome man (ever done the speed on a scooter?).The best I can suggest for ghosting is get a little of Dupont's pearls and mix them down with their version of intercoat clear or base clear and do some small test panels.The 'white' looking pearls are the best.The one's that look like the color they say they are usually come on pretty strong and are more on the line of say russet pearl used in colors like Ford's FL or the base for the tri stage E9.You want the ones that look white until the light refracts off them.If you want to get wild mix a few together and clear it down to be real subtle,the color shimmer is awesome.


New member
Thanks for the reply.'

So white pearl would make the flames look what color? Kind of a red Metallic? I had been leaning towards silver or gold, but this is my first attempt at using pearl. I know what to do (I think) but not what to use.

Thanks again!


New member
Actually I never used white pearl but I've heard it does reflect the base color.The white I meant and should have clarified is a colored pearl but it looks 'white'.Refering to PPG's they have a sunset red that looks white basically but you can see a red shimmer to i ,but they have the russet red that is actually red.The 'white' ones are very fine and work great for ghosting because they aren't so in your face.I think the silver or gold will come on pretty strong so you'll have to play with the strength in the clear to keep it a little subdued.