New guy with a Model A pickup


New member
Good mornin Sirs, have started work on a 30 Ford model A pickup and needed to find a forum to learn more about whats out there for paint choices, body work and how to deal with rust and pitting. Im going to be lurking and learning before asking questions. Hope you guys dig pics, Ive got a ton of em...............379881_234753586593115_100001754276005_559369_3242324_n.jpgDSCN1030.jpgDSCN0603.jpgDSCN1023.jpgDSCN1015.jpgDSCN0901.jpgDSCN0850.jpg


Staff member
Welcome. that is going to be one sharp truck once you are done. Looks pretty clean considering.
I'm sure you will find quite a bit on this forum!!!

You can see some build pics of my truck on this forum. I have a website will all my build pics, but I put some on the forum.
My truck is about 36 years newer than yours