new to forum from nj


New member

I am new to this forum. Been around the custom paint end of things for about 5 years now. Just painting things for friends and myself ive done a few custom jobs in my own garage. I no longer have access to the garage i had, nor any garge of that matter. Was curious if anyone could help me out and tell me if they know of any custom paint shops around new jersey, having trouble finding any, i am looking for employment.



Staff member
Sorry, I don't know of any (I live in FL). You may just want to find a regular bodyshop to work at. This may or may not help lead you into more of the custom paint field.
Check your local paper, or even Craigslist under 'general' and 'skilled trades' in the employment section.

OR, if you feel you can drag in enough work, of course you could open your own little shop.

Good luck to you!


New member
thanks man, i was thinking about opening up my own place. no doubt i could handle the work, its just more about the money. any suggestions or personal experiences in opening up your own place? (not out of a house garage, something along the lines of renting).

thanks again,


Staff member
I've owned my own business for 10 years now.
Mainly doing motorcycles. The motorcycle industry definitely peaked about 3 years ago. Plus the economy situation.
We're only doing around half of what we were a few years ago.

I don't regret it though!

Good luck to you!