newbie flames question



I have an Idea for my 04 Softail, just not sure how to do it.

I want to shoot red flames with a white pinstripe over flat black.

So the flames are cleard and the main body remains flat.....sound crazy? will it work?

new to this forum...have to say Its givin me the insperation to do it myself! great site fellas!

Also, what tools will I need for this for example...

what type of gun or guns will I need and where can I pick one up.

I have practiced with the flame layout, and was quite surprised at how I took to it. Cant wait to get started. Anyway, if someone could tell me how to achive this look, I would appreciate it alot! Im even open to spacific colors of red as long as they are red and you think it would look cool, let me know Thanks /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif


New member
Usually you can find a 'copy' gunpretty cheap at the big hardware stores like Lowes or the local paintstore,just keep the fluid tip aroud 1.5 or less.A compressor too of course.Since you settled on a color we'll forget that,and don't try the gloss/flat thing,you have to do one or the other.