newbie in NC


New member
Hi all, I just found this forum the other day. Just thought I would intro myself. I havent been painting but maybe a year. I really enjoy standing back and admiring the finished effect. Sofar I have painted a white Integra, red Prelude, 350 skulls on a green candy Honda 750 ace, blue and white ghost flames, pink candy with skulls on Honda 650, matched factory paint and griphics on fairing and bags of Vstar. All get wet sanded and buffed. I am still learning something new everyday.
My biggest problem is with fish eyes and streaks when I clear sometimes. What can you use after first wet sanding and before next clear? Still digging into tips and tricks forum.

Anyway he is a couple pics....

225580_168737409850214_100001418677592_415391_693443_n.jpg 263692_183112615079360_100001418677592_505716_6676456_n.jpg 247585_1605441470898_1681987681_1101452_3913612_n.jpg 392238_276466319057954_100000837643739_692993_1492706265_n.jpg


Staff member
Not for sure on the streaks in the clear. Sounds like you are not putting the clear on wet enough.
Fisheyes is probably your spraying environment or equipment.

Do some searching within this forum. You may find some 'similar posts'. Feel free to post any questons in their respective sections.