Newbie wants to learn!



Ive been waiting to learn to paint for a long time now. Ive painted a couple times and the jobs were ok but I had a lot of orange peel in them. Ive been wanting to do more but its hard to find a place to spray! Do you guys have any advice for a new guy trying to learn? Ive been reading a lot of books and lurking on this board but I dont think Im ever going to learn unless I get some hands on!


New member
Just do it,it's the only way.Grab some scrap parts or anything to spray and see if some local shops or the paint store will give you scrap paint.You'll have to buy the clear but generic lines will be fine.Play with the gun and it's settings until things work out and you're comfortabe.


Thanks Rex, I have some paint and a feder now just looking for a place to shoot it. Any good tips?