newbie with color question


New member
Taz , thanks, this looks like a great site, have been reading posts for the last 1/2 hour. alot of info here. I have the color chart from Auto air and , as I indicated , am experimenting with the combinations. While I have you , or any of you other paint pros, are the candies really as hard to paint as I have read, ie getting it on with out stripes. Any advice would be appreciated as to how to avoid them if there is a trick or 2 to doing that.
Any of you guys using the Auto _air colors, or is HOK the choice for the customs.


Candies aren't too hard if you plan on doing smaller parts. Cars are a little harder though.
Spraying should pretty much be like the test panels you've already done.
You may want to buy an old tank or a motorcycle fender and practice on that before doing the actual painting. Or, do your testing on larger panels to give you more of an idea of how to get the candy consistant

Most like to use the HOK kandies, but others like the Dupont, PPG, ALSA....


Brian Dee

Super Moderator

If you have never sprayed a true candy brfore. You may want to consider a candy base or a mid coat as they are easier to spray. but remember to walk the vehicle,don't do a panel at a time. Or you will end up with tiger stripes. As Taz suggested get out your practice panels.


New member
brian how does a Kandy base or a midcoat work. is it just like a pearl base the color you want with clear built up , or to you use a metalic color similar to the candy you want and apply the candy over that. hope this is not a goofy question. I really like to do the paint , but don't want to invest alot and blow it either. thanks for the help guys.


New member
oh , just an afterthought. for now all my painting is confined to motorcycle tanks, and fenders, ...not ready for the car yet lol.


Basically, the darker the metallic, the darker the overall candy color will be once it is applied. If you have a green metallic, and you paint candy blue over it, most likely it will come out more of a teal candy.

Aren't the colors shown on the candy chart you have? It should show metallic and candy colors? I don't have the Auto-Air candy chart, so I'm not for sure. Most do show the metallic and candies though

How exactly have you been experimenting doing the metallic and candies. You mentioned that you been playing around using different bases and candies. Are you actually spraying these? Or are you visualizing them?

By the way, you can mix the base colors with other base colors and candy colors with other candy colors.


Also, to answer your question about what is candy, it's basically a clear with dye in it.


New member
taz can't thank you enough for your help, yes I have been experimenting with both my air brush and finish gun with the auto paints. I am waiting for the Candy orange to get here to spray over the following base coats on test panels, one has white sealer coat with silver metalic, one is dark sealer with silver metalic, one is white sealer with orange metalic, then dark with orange metalic , then the third is light with gold metalic, dark with gold metalic, Plan to put the orange candy over all 3 to see the result. so yes I have actually been spraying small amounts on small sample panels to see the results. Just thought that one of the pro's on this site looking at the absolute paint on the fenders and tank on the pictures , might have attained this color before during their custom work. Love to experiment , just gets a bit expensive when playing with alot of diferent color combinations. thanks again for taking the time to reply to my questions


No problem.
To get the full effect of a candy paint, you will need to spray through at lease a medium sized gun like an Iwata W-100.

Try a gold metallic with a tad bit of a red metallic in it. Then coat it with candy tangerine. You might lie this one!
