Noob from GA


New member
Hi all, I'm an old dog learning new tricks. I've been hanging out at a custom shop, and got interested in how all the painting is done. I met the owner (Jim) when he did some work on my bike, we became friends, now I'm trying my hand at some stuff. Jim's been teaching me some tricks, I've only tried practice panels, and I must say, its not as easy as it looks.

Maybe I can learn some techniques here, and not be such a pain in Jim's butt with all my questions.


Welcome to the forum. You're learning the best way you can...hands on from an experienced painter...

and of course this forum :haha:


Brian Dee

Super Moderator
Welcome to the forum,hope you have some fun. There's a great knoledge base here,and some very talented people. So if you have questions fire away.