Noob question about Pearls


New member
I have been gearing up to paint a bobber build I just completed and am struggling to find the right paint. This is my first ever "real" paint job and I don't have the budget to experiment or make a lot of mistakes. I am kinda getting worried about using kandies. Is it easier to avoid the typical kandy problems (striping, blotching) when painting smaller areas like a bike gas tank (opposed to an entire car)? Also, are there any potential problems when using pearl paint compared to a metallic or solid base coat? Do Pearls cover like a solid basecoat?



Staff member
Small parts are easier and more forgiving to paint with candies. Basically spray the part like you are clearcoating, but you'll just need to pay attention on the candy coverage. once it looks rich and deep looking you can stop, then go ahead and clearcoat.

'Pearls' are transparent and do not cover like typical basecoat type paints.
BUT, "pearl paint" could be a typical basecoat type paint but have pearl in it thus it's called pearl paint.
So I wasn't for sure if you meant pearl toner or a pearl paint like a basecoat with pearl in it.


In short, pearl bascoat colors spray like regular base, Tri coat pearls are trickier than basecoats, but not as difficult as Candy.


New member
Thanks for the replies. So a "Pearl Basecoat" (such as a Black Gold Pearl Paint) covers like a solid basecoat but a tri-coat (such as White Ice Pearl) needs a base under it and "pearl powder" can be added to whatever. Right? As experienced painters, would you recommend a first time painter using Kandy on a small surface like motorcycle parts? I am going to use KBC because it will be driven a lot and I have heard it is more forgiven for a beginner (but only "mimics" a Kandy). As I said before, I don't have the budget for many mistakes or experimentation. However, I am a quick learner when it comes to DIY stuff.


First timer, never would I recommend shooting a candy or 3 stage pearl job. Use a paint that has pearl in it (base/clear) or just KBC with clear over it, solid white primer or sealer under it.


New member
I knew you could shoot KBC over HOK's Silver Sealer but I had no idea you could shoot it over primer. So I can really shoot it over a white primer? Do you know what it would look like over a black primer? Is a Sealer recommended in this case and does it need to be sanded? One more question about doing this for the first time---would you recommend shooting metal flakes for a first timer or does it require more experience to get right?

Thanks for the help!


I put KBC over white sealer all the time. No use wasting white paint!
With HOK's sealer (I'm using the KD series now...can be a surface primer, a med. body primer and a sealer, depending on how much you reduce it) You can do either....shoot it, sand it days later and paint, or just do a quick sealer before paining, with no sanding.
Flake...Doesn't take much more than the right gun, and a lot of coats of clear. You need a gun with a large enough tip to pass the flakes. I use my Finishline primer gun, with a 2.0 tip. Other than that, it's a matter of putting on enough flake and clear to cover the basecoat...easier if you use the same color base as the flakes.
Black sealer, why? Esp with GOld, you want the color brite, not dark! Maybe under a darker color KBC, but again, do test panels!