odd usages...


New member
I do and use somethings I think most guys would never associate with painting..For example if I have to do a small pin up I will do one of 2 things for the face..one use a water transfer decal for the black or I will use a rapido graph pen and hand draw it in..
The rapido graph has a bounty of other uses also..say you are doing a a faux badge plate and want it give it a hard line edge bust out the ruler and hand draw it..it is especially works well if want to get a line thinner then what you can do w/ a striping brush..these are just 2 of my tricks,heck i tell you all of them.
so what are some of the odd things you guys use?


New member
ok so this isn't paint but...I had a client send me his motorcycle parts for paint as w/ all of my clients he said I want gold and black and do your thing..well he wanted this vertical mount oil tank painted and I felt it was to well made to hide all the nice welds with paint so..I polished it and the did some masking and sand blasted it..



I can't believe no one has any odd things they use when painting..


New member
I wouldn't consider this an "odd" usage but I get a lot of use out of card stock paper. This is of course heavy weight paper about the thickness of business cards made for printing on your PC.

As you know the stencils from Artools and the like are kind of expensive and add up if you use a lot of them. I use the card stock and create my own. The designs range from true fire to skulls and just about anything else that you would use over and over. The stock holds up pretty well to the solvent based paints and if you do wear them out just print out and cut another one.

If you don't have the ability to draw your own stencil there are sites that have vector images that may help you out. Just do a search.

BTW- That Triumph tank is nice.