Omni MC261 4+1 Clear Comments?



I just picked up a gal of MC261 clear and a qt of MH263 hardener. Haven't shot any yet and was wondering about anyones experiences with this product. My local dist only has the hardeners for the MC261 in quarts (14 day shelf life after opening). Has anyone purchased the MH263 or MH264 hardeners in pints or 1/2 pints? Painting bikes, sometimes it takes a while to go through a gal of clear. This is one of the "GREATEST WEB SITES ON EARTH". Thanks


New member
Is that Omni?Usually if it's sold in qts there'll be an 8oz hardner available but you'll need to investigate it,might even be pints.The 14 day thing is true but it's subjective too.I've seen them be junk in 2-3wks and I've used them months later and they were fine.


That's the clear that I use right now.
I got it in a quart with the pint(?) of hardener. I'm a complete newbie, I've shot maybe 4 jobs altogether. The MC261 has laid out smooth and perfect every time except the first, and that was only because I was shooting it at about 35 degrees. I've been told the 261 isn't as durable as others, but I've been 100% happy with it's ease of use and the way it lays down.



New member
I don't believe I asked if it was Omni.I've been using it for cut in and it's nice.I've heard it'll last quite a while but I can't say so myself.


Thanks for the replies Rex & Chopper. My distributor only stocks the clear in gallons with quarts of hardener (4:1 mix). Chopper, if your source can get the clear in qts w/1/2 pt hardener, then my distributor should be able to get it. I'll call tomorrow and talk to the manager. I know you can extend the life of the isocyanates if you lay a blanket of nitrogen on top of them. We used to do this with the iso in 55 gal drums in a urethane dispensing operation I was involved with. I don't have any nitrogen... hate to waste any hardener if I don't have to ($28/qt). I've used a lot of the 496 Select clear Nason (4:1 mix), there isn't an expiration date on their hardeners. Anyway, thanks again. TC