Outlining - ie: Pinstriping --- You don't have to pinstripe a job if you or your client don't want to. It's a matter of personal taste. A quick history on pinstriping - Pinstriping began in the era of von-dutch and the likes - alot of cutom painters in the day didn't have all the benifits of urethanes as we do and pretty much all paint jobs were single stage enamal or lacquer - pinstriping flames and such was an easy way to hide a bad edge from view, (ever try to pull masking tape from wet enamel??) Anyway - it caught on and then masters like von-dutch and big daddy took it to the extreme level of just the pinstripe as an art form. Some people like them - some do not - I personally don't - but thats cause I suck with a sword brush -
If you don't know how to use a sword brush - don't try learning on your first few jobs - to get around it - you can pick up a rollor pistiping kit - somebody was posting about them just a few days ago - I can't remember what brand though
You can also layout your flames and then airbrush in your stripe color up against the edge, then come back with 1/8 or 1/16 inch tap and butt up to the original layout and mask over to make sure there is no beeld through - shoot your flames and un-mask - presto - instant pinstriped flames --- Good Luck and may the sword brush god's be with you ---- Bones!~