paint mixing for airbrushing



How do you mix and strain your paint?

I've got this crazy setup and it works, but maybe someone has a better way? here is what I use and do. I've got a syring for feeding a child (helps measure the paint) and suck so much paint into it and put it in a bottle and then do the samething for water and mix it in a squeeze bottle. Then finally from there I squirt it from the bottle into a strainer into the airbrush. The squeeze bottle is sealable, so I can save for the next time I need it, plus I can write on the bottle the mixture of paint / water. Like 50/50 paint and water. I use this of course for this waterbased paints, which I've just been using createx. Even if you don't use waterbased paints, I'd love to hear how you mix and prep your paints, specially HoK, because that's one of my ultimate goal is to beable to do automotive type stuff.



Automotive paints need to be used almost immediately. Once you mix the color with the reducer, it has about a one week shelflife. I've used paint that I mixed a week and a half before, and it had small, but noticeable chunks. I guess the paint either dried up some or just coagulated. Either way it's no good after a week or so.


You should only mix what you're going to use at that time. I personally use 3oz Dixie cups(the non-wax coated ones) and popsicle sticks to mix my urethanes.
With HOK or any urethane, simply double the reducer. HOK is 1:1 in reduction for the airbrush. Pretty simple. You may need to overreduce more for white highlights or shadows but 1:1 is the rule of thumb for HOK. For myself, I just eyeball the mixture, this isn't rocket science.
Good luck,


I thought that u could pour the exess paint back into the container beings that some paints come with reducer in it already. Is that right or is that wrong.??I am speaking of base coats.


I have used paint that has been stored after being reduced without any problems. If you run it through a strainer (an old pair of your wifes nylons works good in a pinch) it gets rid of any chunks in your paint.
I use glass jars to mix my urethanes. The paint will eat through some plastics. For the water based paints I use squirt bottles from the local craft/hobby store. I strain everything I put in my guns and airbrushes, usually right before I put it in. Your paint supplier should have strainers that will sit right in your qt. size cups for the big guns.


New member
Not all paint companies are the same. Your best off to check with the manufacturer of the paint you use. I use PPG Global, which can be reduced and poured back into the can with a "indefenite" shelf life. Other systems have a "catalized" base coat like the PPG DBU bases, which once reduced will start to kick and chunk up like mentioned earlier.