Paint scheme


New member
I have a question about applying candies. I would like to get some ideas on the way I am looking to paint it.

On the tank, I want to do a white base coat, lay out my flame pattern, spray on a dark metallic blue, pull the tape to reveal the white flames, airbrush in a few details, and then spray on a candy orange over the entire tank.

My concern is how much the orange will affect the blue, if any?

Brian Dee

Super Moderator

once you have your white flames revealed. Best to give it a coat of clear. By shooting the candy over the white you just may get a bleed through. Better to be safe than sorry.


New member
I have a question about applying candies. I would like to get some ideas on the way I am looking to paint it.

On the tank, I want to do a white base coat, lay out my flame pattern, spray on a dark metallic blue, pull the tape to reveal the white flames, airbrush in a few details, and then spray on a candy orange over the entire tank.

My concern is how much the orange will affect the blue, if any?

the orange is going to make your flake have an orange hue and probably give the blue a brownish look.

I'd spray the white, do the airbrush details and then clearcoat it. mask out the flames and do the blue and reclear. this will lock in your orange and it won't bleed through to your blue and your blue will be blue.