paint stand



I finally broke down and made a stand for softail tanks after getting tired of botching up the tail end and corners. I liked your idea of using the home depot stand, I just altered it a little to accomodate a tank. I used angle metal stock with the holes like the flat stock.Round off all corners. After taking the whole roller assembly off we bolted the angle stock on(about 15"). We bolted a support piece of the same stuff to the bolt right by the adjuster handle and the end of the horizontal piece to form a triangle.
The only downside to this is your height adjustment is limited but it's real sturdy. Then wrap in pipe insulation and tape. You can use a poker of some sort to make your bolt holes after you've measured to mount the tank. Grab some washers and bolts and you're done. This suspends the tank halves out there so you can get at em'. Hope this idea helps, good shootin". Chow for now!