Painting a bicycle frame


New member
I have an iron horse mountain bike I think the frame and wheels are powder coated i know the frame is aluminum. The frame has some scratches in it. The stickers are next to impossible to get off. I can feel the edges but they just will not peel up. I am thinking they will need to be sanded off. The scratches should probable be sanded as smooth as possible. After this is I do not know what to do or what type of primer or paint to use?


Staff member
Try using a razor blade scraper to take the decals off. Be careful not to gouge the alum.
If you nick the blade, it will scratch the frame even easier.
Sand the scratches out. Hand sand the rest of the frame with 320 or 400. You can spot prime the areas you went to metal. Then sand these areas.


New member
I've had good luck using a heat gun to warm up decals (vinyl type) and soften the adhesive as a aid to removing them.