Painting Ford Pinto HELP!!



Hey folks im wanting to do a flame job on my 1972 ford pinto which is just bout to be painted candy apple red. Im gonna have it run down the hood/and ending down the fenders. What colors do yall think would look good/doies anyone have a layout on how i could do patterns.


New member
I prefer to lay them by hand so they're unique but House of Kolor has a bag of assorted layouts for about $25.Are you painting it a true candy red or is it the old solid red Ford had years ago?If it's the old solid red you can do anything from classic yellow-red-blue to a pearl ghosting.If it's a true candy I like the silver base with a light gold in the flames and then candy it all.For a ghosting I like to just use the different coats of candy to flame it but you have to play with the strength of the candy or the tape edge can get real thick.


New member
Isnt that why they stopped making Pintos ( the flames). Just kidding


New member
Hahaha,good one Joe
They are a neat bar hopper though tubbed out with a radical smallblock.Almost started one until a little ol lady pulled out in fromt of me and wiped it good.I guess I should have kept it and put a tubed nose on it.


New member
One of the guys at the local speed shop had one , literaly back halved , i think like 6 inches of stretch in the rear wheel openings
, and it was in the 8 Second range, nice when you can get parts at cost.


New member
He's got bigger kahonies than me,that sounds like an interesting ride in such a short wheelbase car.I'm sure I'd have her sideways and in the wall a few times before I got it dialed in to launch out straight with the front end hanging in the air


There's a local Village Idiot who runs a Pinto in the 9's. I've never even sat in it, but I've been behind it when he made runs..and it looks like a HANDFULL. He spends everything after the tree just trying to correct the car away from the wall and the center stripe...I think he needs a bit longer of a car...WAY TOO TWITCHY...I'd hate to be the poor SOB racing against him..seeing him weave towards me and away at 205.

The 'hopper'


hehe well ima custom mine ima button tuck the interior.. cut out the wheel well so i can put some good size slicks in the rear.. also wanting to cut out the engine compartment a lil and put ford flathead double holly carb'd and blown ;x .. I hope i dont fly ;p im goin all the way with it


Hey do yall know of any way i can make a marble lookin flame pattern plz post up


New member
A blown flathead,now that's t!ts.These things can run so you might need to get serious with the rear end to keep it straight,unlike the guy that can't dial his in and will take someone or himself out one day.The marble flames aren't hard,just do the marble job in the taped out area but it'll take some clear to lose the edge.