Painting my ute in sections?


New member
Hey everyone,

Im about to do my first full respray with acrylic and was wondering if I could do it a few panels at a time without colour change. If I stick to the 1:1.5 ratio and keep my spray technique the same. My paint shop guy said it could Change? The reason for sections is finding the time atm.

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Staff member
As long as the 'base' color is the same and your color is not a metallic, you should be fine.
The base color meaning, if you have a fender in a light gray and a door in a dark gray and your spray the same enamel you plan on spraying on both, they will most likely come out in different shades.
If you do this, be sure that the base is the same. Or at least use the same color wet on wet sealer before spraying the enamel