pearl on pearl



This will be my first flame job and I had in mind a white pearl base with a purple pearl flame graphic.Will this work?


The white pearl will be done in a three stage (white base with white pearl, then clear), then the purple pearl should be a nice purple color that contains pearl (no metallic).
If you use a "Transparent Blue" toner with "Magenta" toner, then add some "Blue Pearl" and some "Red Pearl", this makes a nice purple. Of course you will need to adjust each toner to get the effect that you want.
Always helps to have your own mixing system

Off the top of my head.
60% blue
30% magenta
5% blue pearl
5% red pearl (this is the "red" pearl, not the milky red pearl").

I used these same toners to get the purple pearl for my truck (I use BASF Glasurit 54 line on the truck)
<p align=center>

By the way, the truck is still for sale


Hey Scott,Just out of curiousity,Did you have to add something to the paint for the engine parts or does automotive paint take the heat?I painted my bike motor with harley engine paint and don't like it much .It sure would look better with glossy HOK BC-25(black).Thanks,Jim
By the way...I mixed prism blue pearl and violet pearl and got a purple a lttle lighter than yours. In the dark it was a med blue and in the sun it was purple.I used the milky pearl paste though.


Hey Jim,
I didn't add anything to the paint for the engine. Used the Glasurit bc/cc 54 line and it's still holding on (painted back in '94) The photo you see was from about 3 months ago.

I did base the engine with DP 90 though. The engine was bare (no paint on it).


New member
Jim,ask around for people that have used auto paint on a Harley motor.I get mixed reviews.It will stick no problem if you prep it right,but Harleys are hard on paint.I'm not sure how long the heads hold up.I won't powdercoat my motor since it's air cooled and the powdercoat just helps hold the heat in.It's bad enough she gets cookin' in traffic,I sure don't want to add to the problem.Running an oil cooler won't help the heat much either.They're useless in heavy traffic and only work if you're moving pretty well down the road.I know it looks like hell,but the best finish is a natural finish or the thin black,but the black always goes to crap.Don't use brake cleaner on the black either,it eats it enough that one time it'll finally start coming off and keeps peeling back.


Thanks Guys!I guess I'll leave it be for now,maybe this winter or something.Scott,that motor sure looks good!!!!!