Pictures of marblizer



I just picked up some HOK marblizer but before I try it I'd like to find some pictures of it used with something other then plastic wrap. I've heard you can use just about anything from bubble wrap to lace but I haven't been able to find any pictures. I even saw it mentioned that you can get a snake skin look to it also. I'm assuming that would be by using some fish net stockings (or similar stuff). Any how if anybody knows of any sites with some pictures I could check out it would be much appreciated.


I have used HOK's Marbelizer and some home-brewed 'Marbelizer' and have tried to apply the texture with a few different things. I started off using aluminum gives an extreme 'broke ice' look. Doilies (the lacey things that your grandma puts on the table) will obviously give the design of the doilie, however, you have to watch out when using anything that is going to have a hard enough edge to 'scar' the basecoat (usually black). Say if you use a fork to try to 'pull' lines through the Marbelizer when it's wet, the Marbelizer CAN soften up the urethane basecoat, and the fork's tips will cut through the black and show whatever color is underneath. This would be cool if you could get it to do it controllably, but the amount of softening of the basecoat depends on how thick you spray the marbelizer, the amount of time the Marbelizer has to soften the basecoat, and the temp/humid of the environment.

Anyways, what I do when trying out new things, or using anything that might scar the basecoat is I lay down 3 or 4 coats of DBC 500 or SG100 intercoat clear, and let it harden for at least 10 hours. The 500/100 will harden up without a whole ton of buildup, and after it has gassed out, doesn't accept softening like a regular urethane basecoat will for some reason. Now that I think about it...the DBC500 is just a 'clear basecoat' from what I understand, so if I were to let the black basecoat sit for 10 hours or so, it may take on the same properties.

Anyway, I let it sit for 10 hours, then I abuse the hell out of it...whatever I use on the Marbelizer doesn't break through, and I can usually get the desired look (sometimes experiementing works, sometimes it don't

The 'hopper'

Sorry, no photos...home 'puter is dead...have to wait til I get my connection back up.