Pictures of parts on bike



I've been checking out the webpage and I am thoroughly impressed. I also like the fact that you lay things out so that (in theory) anyone could try to duplicate them.

I really like reference 90 and 85 (only 85 as a ghost). I was wondering if there are any pics of these parts installed on the bikes. I have a hard time visualizing it.


Every once in while, I do post steps on how the job was done (but not all the steps! Alot more that meets the eye).
You're right though---"In theory" you could try to duplicate them

As far as the pics go, the customer that owns the Deuce that has the red/blue Harlequin flames sent me pictures, but I haven't posted them yet (I will put one on the "Customers Scooters page). And as far as the silver ghost job, I sent these back last week and haven't heard from him yet. If he sends me pics, they will end up on the page as well.

Glad you like the site!