Pin Striping Order


New member
I know that this may seem to be be a stoopid question to you experts but... In what order is pinstriping applied to your paint project. The reason I ask is that I have actually seen the pinstriping applied (after) clear coat and some (before).

The attached image is a project that I kept simple just to go through the process of starting with bare metal / base/clear coat / pin striping . I will be striping around the black with a metallic silver. I have zero experience in pin striping so this is another process I will be learning.

One more issue to throw in. There is a bit of a paint ridge on the black as I laid it down a little thick. I was dialing in a new gun.


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New member
Looks good!
Your dilema does have an easy answer! There is 2 types of pinstriping paint, basecoat and 1shot. from what i know, but i'm not into it?
The 1shot paint is to be used on top of clearcoat, and conatins enamels, or whatever the name is.. then theres a spriping basecoat that doesn't have those enamels, and is to be used under clearcoat!

i kinda wonder if you can pinstripe with regular urethane basecoat?
Doesn't sounds like a problem to me, but the paint might not cover enough.. or it might trash your striping brush.. so be sure to use spriping paint!

Good luck with it!


New member
Thanks for the feedback. That is good info to know when I go to my paint jobber and select the paint,



New member
HOK makes a striping paint that can be cleared over with no issues..just throwin' that out there..


New member
Thanks- My paint supplier said that I can use basic "basecoat" paint before it is mixed down. I did a trial with it and it worked pretty well. I think I would like a little retarder in it though.


New member
i use acrylic enamal single stage paint for my striping under the clearcoat. you just have to make sure you let the clear set at the correct time before reaplying the next layer of clearcoat b/c it'll run your stripe.

one shot will also work under the clear, but you'll need to add hardner to it.

if you're clearing it, then the stripe underneith the clear is the best. you'll need to clearcoat the parts and then sand them flat w/ some 800 or so then stripe them and reclear. if you have a really steady hand then you can stripe over the basecoat, but..... it's up to you.


New member
How about shooting a midcoat cleat before striping? That would give me room for error.

Also was my paint supplier correct in saying that I can use my regular basecoat paint "unthinned" as stiping paint?


New member
Should be just fine to use regular basecoat.. i just think of the health of the brush?
I thought urethane whould kinda kill your brush? But then once again i don't know?


New member
Thanks- My paint supplier is Smith Sandpaper in Tampa Florida. They are very Knowledgeable with their products as they have been in the business for a long time and some of the people that work their have worked and still work in the custom painting business.

Aside from thier expertise is the fact that as I am a novice, they don't make me feel like a knucklehead when I ask questions.

Thanks for your feedback,


New member
a mid coat clear like sg100 isn't solvent proof, so you won't be able to just wipe off the mistake w/ reducer. a hardend clear coat is great to stripe on.


New member
Thanks - Just so I have clear what you are saying.

1. Shoot my main peice
2. Shoot regular clear coat. (When I do this I guess I should only do a couple coats- correct?)
3. Pinstrip the peice.
4. Then do final clear coat as normal.

Does that sound about right?


New member
Thanks - Just so I have clear what you are saying.

1. Shoot my main peice
2. Shoot regular clear coat. (When I do this I guess I should only do a couple coats- correct?)
3. Pinstrip the peice.
4. Then do final clear coat as normal.

Does that sound about right?

Yes, just give the clearcoat plenty of time to dry. 24hrs should be good. i also sand it flat and then pinstripe.

then a final clearcoat. i recomend 3 or more coats of clear so that you can sand the clear flat over the stripes.


New member
Thanks again-
If I may impose one more question.

The first time I tried clearcoating I got major orange peal.

I have been watching videos and studying as much as possible on this process.

The best app I have seen is of course spraying a tack coat then applying more coats as they flash over.

My question is- what psi works best for you. The reason I ask is that I has seen some low pressure and others just blasting.


New member
Not such a simple question, air pressure would depend on which spray gun you're using. Also what size fluid nozzle and air cap combination. Then there's the paint side, are you using the correct speed hardener for the temperature, are you using reducer in your clear and if so is it fast or slow reducer etc. you'll find that even 5% reducer will make a huge difference to how it flows out. Also spray speed, distance, overlap etc.


New member
Of course the clear coat (just as the base coats) takes practice, practice, practice. There is a little more to it than point and shoot. I will just take a day and shoot nothing but clear coat till I get it right.

Thanks to all,


New member
If you tell us what spray gun you are using and what size fluid nozzle, also what clear even, maybe someone can with the same gun can give you some setup specs. Then it's just a case of honing your spray technique.


New member
Specs on gun:
Features and Specifications:
• 1.0mm Stainless Steel Needle and Nozzle Set
• Knobs for Full Adjustment over Spray Pattern, Fluid
• Control and Air Pressure
• Standard Size 1/4" Air Inlet
• Operating Pressure: 43 to 60 PSI (3-4 bar)
• Pattern Width: 4.3" to 5.8" (110 to 150 mm)
• Avg. Air Consumption: 3.5 to 6.0 CFM (98-169 l/min)

The clear coat that I am using is:
Kustom Shop 2K Speed
High performance 2.1 VOC Clear
KC-210-Part A

Kustom Shop
KH-211- Part B

Flow Enhancer:
Kustom Shop
Urethane Flow Enhancer

This came with a real fire paint kit that I bought through TCP global. If you have a prefered CC let me know. Thanks I hope I gave you all info you asked for.


New member
The tech sheet for the clear says to use a 1.3 fluid nozzle. As you're using a mini gun with a 1.0 fluid nozzle, i would say either try adding 5 -10% reducer or getting a 1.3 fluid nozzle.