Pin striping



Hello I've been painting for about 10 years but I haven't done a lot of graphic's. I have a Honda "don't laugh
" that I painted 2000 prowler orange and I want to put some flames on it. The only colors that I can think of are HOK violet with hot pink tips. But I can't decide what to pin stripe them, and I've never pin striped by brush before does anyone know if you use a long thin brush or a short thin brush??? Please help thanks


The brushes used to stripe are called sword stripers. They usually have a short handle and long bristles. The ones I use are made by Mack. Most hobby stores carry them. If not check coast airbrush.
Striping is very tricky and takes a lot of practice. I only do outlines. I have tried some scroll work but turned out like crap.
Some of the guys tape the pinstripe off and do it that way. Search some of the older posts and you can get a lot of ideas on this topic.