Please help me....



What causes this defect? It looks lates small crater/blisters in the paint. I've done nothing different and this pops up. Kind of vague but I'm to pissed to give a great description.


Pinholes, I think is what it is called...what causes this?


New member
Sounds like "solvent pop" to me, not waiting long enough between coats and allowing the solvent to escape. It happened to me on my son's jeep I candied with HOK. All you can do is sand them. I have a problem being patient enough between coats to allow it to flash properly so I got a timer and program the alarm to go off after the appropriate flash time then I walk away and do something else. Havent had the problem since. Knock on wood. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/peace.gif


There is also another problem that you might not see mentioned on this board. This is something that I had trouble with which is called compressor air humidity, otherwise known as water vapor. You may have a water trap which traps condensed water but it won't trap water vapor. The vapor gets through the trap and interacts with the catalyst or hardener and crystallizes. It will look just like trash or dust in the paint.

The only solution is to get a desiccant system. The desiccant beads will soak up the water vapor and give you dry air.

There is also some information on Sharpe's website about how to set up your compressor piping that may help too.


New member
I'm betting pop from your description.If it's a tiny crater like you touched it with a ballpoint pen or smaller it stayed wet long enough to pop,if it's the same size but a blister it flashed too quick to pop.Scuff and buff it or knock it down and reclear it,she'll be fine.


Well guys, I believe I have figured out what caused this problem. First thing I did was check all my lines and filters and drained everything. For some reason my compressor had about a gallon of crap in the bottom of it. so I drained it, cleaned my filters and re-drained lines.
Second, I shot a few test panels and gave everything a bit more time to flash dry. At this point I have no more pinholes. I THANK EVERYONE WHO HELPED. Great forum!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bigokay.gif