Please help


New member
I started this project about 3 years ago then i got sick and was unable to work on it. I got to the point of primer 2 K surfacer primer anad got it sanded to the point of 320. But i found some spots that needed more work. Now it needs another coat of primer what do i need to do to prepare the surface for another coat? would appreciate our help vary much.

Thank You


Staff member
Welcome to the forum.
When you say "needed more work", I assume you mean that you need to do some minor bodywork?
If so, I would just rough up the area with 180 grit, then put somesort of flowable putty over the area. Then you can primer over this. Then resand to 320 to catch it up with the rest of the surface.


Staff member
Welcome to the forum.
When you say "needed more work", I assume you mean that you need to do some minor bodywork?
If so, I would just rough up the area with 180 grit, then put somesort of flowable putty over the area. Then you can primer over this. Then resand to 320 to catch it up with the rest of the surface.


New member
I'm sorry want clarify about thr primer. Do i need to resand the primer thats on it now in ordwe to prime the whole car again. would like to get another layer before i seal and paint.


Staff member
If you need to reprime the complete car, yes, you will need to sand the primer that is already on there.