I don't have tons of experience smoothing out designs such as flames, etc. but one thing I did learn from my scooter paint job I recently finished, was that you are going to have people run their hands over the job to see if there is a noticeable "Edge". Those people are the friends and competitors of yours who want to see how it turned out. Having an edge feel after clearing doesn't have a thing to do with how the actual airbrushing turned out, but it seems that some people think it shows an imperfect job....Who cares!!! Well, I didn't want this to happen to me but it still did! How you can overcome this edge means a bunch of sanding between clear coats. I put on three decent coats of clear over the flames, let it set up for 8=10 hours(depending on the clear you use) and then hand sanded it wet with 800 or 1000 grit paper lightly to smooth it down where I could go back and put on three more coats and repeated this until it was level. Once I felt good about it I added another good flow coat of clear(or buffed what I'd done already) and called it quits. You won't have a tremendous build up of clear due to the sanding process, and it holds up nice and when your "Buddies" run their hands over it(usually done when you've got your back turned!!) they shouldn't do anything but say, "man, I wish mine felt that good......JB