


I'm an industrial painter that's been out of the car business since the mid 70's. Now I plan on painting one of my cars. I have to replace the rocker panels and was wondering what kind of primer to use for protection after blasting and welding the new sheet metal. I dont want to use primer surfacer (lacquer) as there is no rust protection. The epox prime I use is hard to sand and long to dry. I want something for protection till all my bodywork is done and ready for the final epoxy prime before painthing. What are you using for this. Thanks


New member
I had a question along the same lines here.
I had a tank blasted and it's going to be a couple of weeks before I can get to it so I sprayed a couple of light coats of Nason primer (all I had available at the time) on it just to protect it.
Is there anything I will need to do when I get ready to bc/cc besides sanding the primer or will I need to sand and reprime and sand again?


I would still go with epoxy, nothing else will give you the protection it needs. If you use PPG DP you can shoot 2K over it without scuffing as long as you get it on there inside of a week.


New member
The best method would be to shoot one good cover coat of epoxy primer. Dp 40 works best IMO. That will seal the surface. You can bondo over the dp primer with no problems just scuff it an do your body work, the other areas will be protected.
On a technical aspect with laquer primer it is best to let the primer dry for a day per coat.
(not many people do that)

So in the case of dry times epoxy really isn't much longer plus the advantage with epoxy is if you work with the window for applying either bondo or another type of primer you get a real good chemical bond between the materials.


New member
What Kevin and Cuda said.Get a can of weld through primer for the pinchwelds and sleaves if you need them and the only right way to coat the inside is find a shop with a wand and have them run it through the rocker after it's welded on.The weld through primer won't do squat in there and if you DP the inside first it'll just burn off around the welds.


Thanks guys. I just tought that there was something better than epoxy primer. Guess the stuff I'm using is up to par then.