Puma or Central Pnuematic compressor


New member
Anyone ever use either brand? I can't find much on the net about them. I need a new compressor and found these at harbor freight for a good price.



New member
I have used Central Pnuematic without any problems never even heard of Puma though. I'd go with the CP if you're gonna buy from Harbour Freight.


New member
The PUMA is made in Turkey. I wen to the web sit and the advertising is in badly translated english. Not very confidence inspiring. I have a hook up at the harbor freight and I can get a pretty decent price on what they have there.

Thanks for the quick response.


Never heard of either one.
Not for sure how big of a shop you have or how bit of a compressor you need, but you may want to check locally. I have 4 employees (plus me) using a 7HP compressor. I bought this at Sam's Club. I believe it is called a Deltona (I'm currently not at the shop, so not positive on this). At first I bought a Cambell-Hausfeld that was also a 7HP, but this got stolen. Both compressors looked EXACTLY the same except the tank was painted differently. SO I assume that some compressor mfrs. use the same motors and tanks, and slap their name on it and paint it in their own color. Each compressor ran about $800 each.

I've had the Deltona now for 2+ years with no problems I change the oil about once every 6 months). I since then also bought a Ingersoll Rand T30 (used) since I now have a separate bodyshop/prep area so I need both compressors.


New member
Thanks Taz. It will be me alone doing tins and helmets mostly. I think a lot of the compressors are made by the same few companies under different names. The central pneumatic compressor is made for Harbor Freight but I don't know who the actual manufacturer is. I'll be using an LPH-80, a Sata mini4 and a third primer only gun I haven't picked out yet. All need only a few CFM so a smaller compressor will be fine unless I decide to get a bigger gun. I wont be doing cars or anything larger than a fender or tank.