Question about Clear coating



I know you should clear as soon as possable. My question is if it would be a bad thing if the base coat sat for a week or so before it gets clear coated?

Would their be any problems with the clear sticking to the base?

If not how should I prep the base.


New member
My experiences have taught me that you should clear after your base coat is down and it has flashed (about 15 minutes). The reason for this is because you shouldn't sand on a pearl or metallic or flake. But you can rough up the clear before your next shoot. If your base coat is a solid color, with no fancy stuff in it (mentioned above), then you can scuff it up before your next shoot. But I always shoot a couple coats of clear last thing before I let things dry overnight so I have something to sand on without messing up my color. But be sure to let the solvents flash before you clear over your colors. If your base coat does have flake, pearl, metallic, etc. in it, you may be screwed. I don't think you will be able to save it without starting over. Get some pro advice from Scott F. or Rex, or EZ.

Good Luck.



New member
Yeah,that's the deal.You can do it with the pearls and metalics but after you sand or scuff it you need to recoat it to bring back the appearance.Basically you're wasting $ basing it twice.The cheapest way is to blow a coat or 2 of base clear over it to hold it so you can scuff it without ruining the color.The only prob is you need to watch how thick you're getting if you aren't using a catalized basecoat.