Question on Painting header pipes


Deacon Blues

Hey guyz, looks like y'all are way hep on painting cars and bikes and all, so I thought I'd ask.

I've got an old beat-up bike, that I'm already painting the tank/sidecovers/mirror mounts, but the header pipes are WAY RUSTY.

I've got a tool to get the rust off and get them down to 'bare metal', but what product would be good to paint these afterwards, so they look half-decent w/o the paint flaking off from the heat?

I've heard barbecue paints (the ones with ceramic in them) are good, but not too sure how to go about this. Thanks!


New member
there is a company called VHT who makes high temp engine and exhaust paints. you can find them in just about any auto parts store. I have used there flame proof exhaust paint on headers and exhaust manifolds with decient results, to prep the parts they really should be sand blasted and give the parts a couple of coats of paint. after the parts are installed when the engine is fired up the heat kind of bakes the finish on the parts. this finish dose not last forever though but it will clean up the parts for the time being.i have had manifollds look decient for 18 - 24 months. Eastwood has a version that is suposed to work pretty good and i believe House of kolor has a high temp black exhaust paint. no matter which product you go with the parts really should be sand blastsd fo the best results. hope this helps


New member
Ceramic coating is another option but expensive.I did run across a heat barrier type paint or ceramic kit you can buy to coat the inside of the pipe to reduce blueing on chrome pipes.I think Custom Chrome or Drag Specialties in the Harley world sold it.I think once the pipes have exhaust run thru them you can't use it,but if you can it should make the paint last longer.You can also use header wrap but it is ugly and will probably run about $40.It does improve exhaust velocity for performance though and you'll never see the pipes to watch the paint go bad.Easiest thing to do is EZ's suggestion though.