question on pin striping


New member
I have already applied my base coat of charcoal metallic , taped off my flames and aprayed the platinum on. I want to use a pinstripe (sticker type) as an outline . Do I clear coat the piece and then apply the pin stripe? or do I stripe it , then clear coat over that?


New member
That is entirely up to you. And how much work you want to do.

The easy way would be to clear it and then put on the PS tape. Easy, but not best. I don't know how much clear would be needed to bury the sticker, or howit will cover...... Someone more experienced can tell you for sure.

Why don't you mask off a stripe now and just paint it on??


New member
For future reference, do this:

1) spray the entire set your PINSTRIPE color, and do this FIRST

2) use fine line tape, and lay out your flames. Spray your flame color next

3) tape over the flames and the fineline tape, now spray the metallic charcoal silver over the "background" color

4) remove all the tape, and clearcoat, and you're done


New member
Quality stripe tape is thick and will take a few reclearings to burry.The cheap stripe tape is thinner but the quality is poor.All it is is the good stuff stretched to thin it down.Alot that i've used is transparent and wants to shrink over time.Paint it on if you can for a nice job,you'll always see the end of the tape splice.


I wouldn't use pinstriping tape to outline flames. I did try this once and matched the tape color with paint to cover the mating/splice areas. If you ever do use pinstriping tape get the 3M stuff. TC