questions about best way to lay out graphics.



Ok i was doing a panel for someone to display and here is what i did and what happened. I based with silver, layed flames, outlined the flames in black, and candied them. Then i masked up the flames and marbelized the rest. When i untaped the flames i realized that i had a decent amount of mistapes. Is there an easier way to go about doing this. Or am i doing it right and just need to be a better taper.?


New member
Pay real close attention when you tape and double check it even on simple stuff.That way it becomes habit on multi layered maskings.Don't feel bad,it happens to the best on occasion.


ok, so i am doing it right? It just seems like there has to be an easier way to do it so it will either go quicker or so you don't have mistapes.


New member
Try the Automask Scott and EZRIDER talk about.I was going to but didn't on mine.By the sounds of it you planned out the job for minimal tape edges putting the marble up against the candy flames.It is more work that way but it saves you a ton of clear leveling out the edge since there's a good deal of material on it.I get impatient at times too.I have a smoke and a beer to unwind and go back at it.If you feel you're burning out take it to a step you can stop until tomarrow,but once you start the graphix you're committed for a few hours.


New member
Mistapes are spots you forgot to tape.Usually it's a sliver between 2 pieces of tape that didn't get overlapped,but God knows I've missed a whole spot being in a hurry.